The temperature’s beginning to dip across the UK and winter is fast approaching, so naturally your attention is probably turning to bills, energy efficiency and things you can do to your home make it better insulated. It’s that time of year when we start dreaming about all the home improvements we’d like to make in the summer. True, new windows and window repairs aren’t necessarily something you’d consider while it’s so cold, but there’s no harm in planning ahead for the future and getting some research done.
For many, windows are merely a case of aesthetic, but those prudent among us will also be concerned with things like energy efficiency and noise proofing, particularly when it comes to old period homes. Not to mentioned the added value the right kind of window can bring to a property, particularly older ones.
If you’ve got a period home you’re looking to spruce up, or a more modern one that you want to give a more traditional feel too, then the kinds of windows you choose can make all the difference.Wood sash windowsare desirable for a number of reasons. Depending on the frames used they can add an unmatched sense of character to almost any home, but did you know that they can also add value? This is true of older homes in particular, but sturdy and well crafted wooden sash windows are generally attractive to buyers. They’re a feature that works hard to bring the best out of the property both inside and out, and if they’re well made they can be surprisingly effective at keeping the heat inside your home and cold air out.
Wood sash windows can add value to any property, but if you’re decided on the investment, perhaps it might help to explore some additional options to make the windows work even harder for you. Matching your wooden sash windows to the floors in your home, or to the furniture for example, is a great way of making sure that you get the most out of them. It can add a period charm to even the most modern of homes and, if you live in the kind of area that boasts a lot of period properties, it can really help to boost the value of your home.