It often seems like there’s so much to do at this time of year. You’ve got think about your garden, getting the barbecue fired up and getting your home generally ready for the summer months. But all of that usual stuff aside, it’s often a popular time of year to start considering home improvements. The nice weather and mild temperatures lend themselves perfectly to a bit of building work, so many people (and companies too) tend to schedule any work during these months. If you’re one of the lucky ones who currently live in a period property in the quaint vale of York, you’ll know the joy oftimber casement windows, but also the maintenance and occasional headache they can bring when not looked after correctly.
Summer is the time of year when you really want your windows to shine. It’s also the time of year to get them ready for the winter, as work can be carried out on them with minimal disruption – the kids are off school and it’s warm enough that you’ll be relieved of a bit of a breeze. In the summer, yourwood casement windowswill get a lot of use – you’ll be opening them, closing them and everything in between, perhaps multiple times a day, and you want to know that they’ll be able to withstand the heavy use – particularly if your windows have been sealed shut all winter.
The most important thing however, that’s seldom thought of at this time of year, is how your windows will perform in the winter. Now is the time of year to check that the seals are performing well and your windows are properly draught-proofed. Of course you don’t want to let any cold into your home, but similarly, it’s important not to let any of the valuable heatout.To make your home more energy efficient you might want to consider double, or even triple-glazing yourtimber casement windows.It can really make a massive difference when winter rears its head and you find yourself reaching for the thermostat once again. If you’re considering wood casement window repair, be sure to weight up all of the options and really make the most of your windows this summer.