Heritage and listed buildings often have exact planning and design requirements that must be met when fitting new timber windows and doors.
The design and materials used are key to ensuring the new features complement the history and look of the property. Our woodwork experts are experienced at working to complex briefs and supporting with the planning process. We understand the importance of getting the right windows and doors for such properties and work closely with owners, architects, designers and construction firms to design and make the best products for the job.
We provide guidance and advice at every stage and are dedicated to getting every single window and door just right. Whether you need to match existing windows and doors or carry out a complete re-fit, Patchett Joinery can help.
As we design and manufacture each and every piece we oversee the whole process to ensure the aged properties are treated appropriately and the right windows and doors are produced.
But it’s not just the aesthetics which are important. Our windows and doors help increase the energy efficiency of older buildings, boosting sustainability and cutting costs.